The Child Support Agency truth
The Child Support Agency truth
Episode 149 Just the dad talking again
Today I want to talk about the act of actually raising children. It is a very hard thing to do already, There is no question about caring for your children and if the parents are still together then you also have to care for your spouse. This is all while making sure the children do the right thing, learn how to do things correctly, and are good people. The parents have to discipline their children too. The parents are supposed to wait and dish out punishment when they are not angry anymore. This is very hard to do, I tried it. A parent has to watch their children fail, this also sucks a lot. I have also had to do this. The parents have to make sure there is a stable income for the entire family, the children seldom understand the magnitude of anything. They do not usually understand cause and effect and that certain things depend on other things occurring. When I was young, I was afraid of getting a whooping from my parents, now these kids are like “I don’t care if you whoop me, just please do not take my mobile device away. For a child, mobile devices are also a huge problem. The fact that those devices even exist is a big deal to me, mobile devices in classrooms though is an entirely different story. Ever since the Columbine shooting in 1999, mobile devices have been allowed in classrooms and schools. That is a huge problem for teachers and principals too. A lot of parents said (which is true) that if these kids had their devices they could have reached out to their parents or called for help earlier, saving lives. There was a total of 15 lives lost. If that were to happen to my child, a phone call or a text message would have alleviated a lot of stress. There is so much that goes into raising a child as it is, it is a very hard thing to do. Then the “Child Support” office and “Family” courts get involved and make a parent's job even harder to do. Right now is not the time at all to have a child. It is the only surefire way to avoid this entire ordeal. The thought of having something in your life that you have loved and cared for a lifetime can be taken away from you at any time can be avoided by making the correct choice now, while there still is a choice, because if you follow your instincts and have a child, that choice will be gone and the next 18 years of your life will be really bad, the “Family” courts and “Child Support” know all of this, and knowingly make everything worse.
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All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.