The Child Support Agency truth
The Child Support Agency truth
Episode 150 Just the dad talking again
Today I want to talk about several things. One is that I am 2 days into a 14-day prolonged/extended fast. I always do water-only fasts. I know that a “dry” fast isseveral times more powerful and what I am doing in 14 days with water fastingcan be done in a 3-day “dry” fast. I do not care, I need at least water. Going 14 days without solid food is very hard as it is, especially for an old fat guy who loves pretty much everything and is allergic to nothing. I have always had a huge appetite. I fast every August and February. In August 2024, I did a 7-day fast and I loved the numbers. The weight loss numbers were awesome, the ketosis numbers were awesome too, so this February I am doing a two-week water-only fast. Other than being very hungry, it is going off without a hitch. So in August 2025, I will fast for the entire month of August (31 days in August). I am stopping at the 1-month mark. I will fast for the entire month of February 2026 and that is it. There are lots of studies on fasting and the evidence from the Medical Doctors, all say the same thing. As long as you have plenty of access to drinking water, and you consume that water while fasting are not pregnant, do not have anorexia or bulimia, and are not underage you are good to go. The human body can go for a very long time on just water consumption alone. The human body switches over to ketosis and runs off of that, and the weight loss is amazing. Last year, I noticed on the very last day of my fast, that my hunger went completely away. I am waiting on that to happen, but if it does not I will just be hungry for 14 days I guess because this is happening! https://youtu.be/FV5oErw98MU
That and the fact that I am now not required by “Child Support” to pay $300.00 each month for a child that lives in the foreign country of Greece. There is a little bit of money now. A tiny bit of money. The “Child Support” agency lives and dies by the order signed by a judge.
They do not care that the child you are paying for is in a foreign country, the only thing that they care about is if the child you or the mother dies. Then and only then will “Child Support” end prematurely. That is why it is so important to get that judgment down as low as possible when you are in court the first time. Gather evidence, use your cell phone and your Google Drive.
take pictures with your phone of your kid all the time. Especially when your kid is with your ex-spouse. Take pictures all of the time and upload them to the cloud and then delete them from your device. Take videos and do the same thing. When documents arrive from “Child Support”, take pictures of all of them too and create a folder called documents and put all of them in there.
Use the metadata from those pictures to stamp the date. That metadata is extremely useful all the time. A couple of weeks or so before your “Child Support” hearing, give them to your lawyer
using the share option and send them a link. I would also put a deleted items folder in there with instructions to put all deleted pictures in that folder so the parent can look at them and if there are any questions about them they can be asked. If you have a lawyer anyway. I am a prose litigant, I refuse to pay gobs of money to a lawyer and then on top of that pay gobs of money and have to deal with the dumb “Child Support” agency. Also, this was told to me by an old friend who was helping me but died in late 2017. He said to me which is very true. No one will ever care as much about your case as you do. I do believe that all children need support, but the current “Child Support” system is an evil company that is owned by the government. The law is on their side, and “Child Support” knows this and behaves based on that fact.
All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.