The Child Support Agency truth
The Child Support Agency truth
Episode_154 Just the dad talking again. My life is just now starting after "Child Support"
Today is another day without any connection to the “Child Support” system. I am very grateful for that. I am a photographer and a graphic artist. I always had a digital camera with me when I
was in my twenties. I would go places and people would be like “Sean, please stop taking pictures of me.” I used to get that a lot. People also would use me as an excuse not to go places. They would say, “is Sean going to be there?” If I was going to be there, then they just wouldn’t go at all, I was very annoying, the camera I had also did video too, it was a point-and-shoot camera. I put all of those pictures in my Google Drive. Sometimes when I upgraded to a larger or faster hard drive, I would forget to pull off the pictures and upload them. In 2015 when my house was foreclosed on because I did not know how soul-sucking the “Child Support” system was, I threw away about 10 hard drives. I bet those drives had a lot of good pictures on them. Anyway, I am working on a project that requires a lot of old pictures from my past. So I went to that folder in my Google Drive and pulled it down. It is about 50 Gigabytes in storage size. I unzipped it which took a while and I started looking through them one by one. They are all digital, so I just need to click through them which is very cool. I also have a lot of pictures that are even older those are developed pictures, before digital pictures came around which are instantly viewable, we used to wait a minimum of three days after the film was all used up. We would mail them off somewhere or drop them off somewhere and then look through them because a lot of them would be very bad, and we could not afford the pictures that were good let alone the bad pictures. Those pictures are a P.I.T.A.! Once you decide that you want a picture, then you have to put it on a flatbed scanner, scan it in, and then it is in digital format if it is over 25 MB in storage size, which it often is, it cannot be sent in an email.
Planning to have kids is the absolute worst thing a person can ever do. Other parents will say stuff like “It's not that bad” It is them, and human instinct that continue to add more and more polluters to this already badly polluted world. So if you are a mother that just went through an abortion, a miscarriage, or stillbirth or your child dies from a freak accident or something, it is the best thing that will ever happen to you in your life (better even than winning the lottery), I know it feels bad now, but it is the best thing, I promise. It is not just better for the family, but it is also really good for the rest of the population and planet Earth. So if you have recently gone through the loss of a child, then please understand that it is truly a good thing!
This happened in 2017, and I still had to pay until my child was 18
even though he never contacted me after 1 year.
All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.